Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Fort Homer W. Hesterly Armory - Tampa, Florida

522 North Howard Avenue - This 1941 WPA funded building has a great history.  Check out this great site about its history.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Million Dollar Theater - Los Angeles, California

307 South Broadway - Sid Grauman's Million Dollar Theater opened in 1918.  The building was designed by Albert C. Martin, Sr. with the exterior decorative elements by sculptor Joseph Mora.  I haven't been in the actual theater (designed by William Woollett) but you can find a couple of pictures on the theater's website.  The Los Angeles Conservancy offers a theater tour (among other historic tours) that can include interiors of some theaters.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Walter Gale House - Oak Park, Illinois

1031 Chicago Avenue - An early Frank Lloyd Wright designed house from 1893.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Thursday, August 25, 2011

House - Atlanta, Georgia

3535 Regalwoods Drive - Located in the great mid-century Northcrest neighborhood, this little gem (in need of some TLC) was for sale when this photo was taken in April of last year.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Post Office - Tampa, Florida

1806 North Howard Avenue - While I find this 1958 post office, designed by Robert Wielage, interestesting, I don't find it particularly attractive.  Some of this is due to the red white and blue color scheme of the tile work (which is a color scheme that I never care for in decorating) and part of it is just due to the general bleakness of the site.  A couple of planters could go a long way here.  I do find the tile work cool and not of a pattern that one sees very often.  One end of the building (not pictured) housed a salon when I took these pics back in November.  The non-colored tile wall was either at this end of the building or on the side, I don't recall which.

94th Aero Squadron Restaurant - Columbus, Ohio

5030 Sawyer Road - I never had a chance to dine here but always wanted to on one of the evenings when they had a big band playing.  Love the theming.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Bradbury Building - Los Angeles, California

304 South Broadway - I was so excited to get to see this building and I actually even took time to go inside and snap a couple of pictures.  Oddly, the only picture I took of the exterior is mainly of the sign.  It doesn't matter though, the inside is the real treasure.  The exterior is just your typical late 19th/early 20th century office building.  The interior has been used umpteen times over the years for films and television, most notably in Blade Runner.  Built in 1893, the building was designed by George H Wyman.

Monday, August 22, 2011

House - St. Petersburg, Florida

Beach Drive - A 1923 gem of a home.  Today's so-called architects could take a few lessons from this home's scale and proportion.  While I'm sure it's quite spacious, it still manages to look gracious as well.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Floyd County Administration Building - Rome, Georgia

12 East 4th Avenue - Listed on the National Register of Historic Places, this 1896 building was originally a post office and courthouse.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Hotel Victor - Miami Beach, Florida

1144 Ocean Drive - Circa 1937 designed by Lawrence Murray Dixon.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Chapman Market - Los Angeles, California

3519 West 6th Street - One of a million places in LA that I only grabbed pictures of in passing since I was supposed to be moving out there at the time.  Sadly I never did move there so I have yet to be able to actually walk this landmark of consumerism.  One more place to revisit on a future trip.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Kenilworth Lodge - Sebring, Florida

1610 Lakeview Drive - The lodge opened in 1916 and was enlarged in 1919.